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Text Message Interventions


Content Files

Text Message Interventions

In Phase 2 of our project, one of our goals was to test the efficacy of two text-based interventions for individual C-LEARN participants. Participants were randomized to receive one of two interventions. The interventions were:


Community Resources Mobile Tools (CR)

Which offered individual links to resources, toolkits, and tips for:

  • Disaster services

  • Financial empowerment

  • Problem Solving Therapy


Community Resources App + Coping Support (CR+CS): 

CR+CS offered all of the resources, toolkits, and tips in CR, and an additional Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-based tool called B-Resilient. B-Resilient uses a "Catch it, Check it, Change it" framework to help people manage stress in times of difficulty.


Word document versions of all the text-message content are available for download on this page.

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